Heba Khalifa CV

Projects: Homemade


2000 B.A. Decorative Cinema and Theatre Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan Univeristy, Cairo

2002 Diploma in Art Criticism, High Institute of Arts Critics, Cairo

Solo Exhibitions

2014  Inside the Square, dual exhibition at Red Zone Festival, Cairo and Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy), Beirut.

2007 Cairo, Salzburg, Mashrabia Gallery of Fine Art, Cairo

2006  Temporary Absence, Cairo Atelier

Group Exhibitions

2019  ‘Homemade’, The Shortest Distance Between Us, Gulf Photo Plus, Dubai

2018  ‘Homemade’, Your Selfie Stick and You, Lianzhou Museum of Photography,     China

2017  ‘Homemade’, Women in Photography, Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film, Singapore

2016  ‘From the Inside’, Lilongwe, Malawi

2016  ‘I understand. Do you?, The Embassy of Switzerland In Egypt and Medrar, Cairo 2015  ‘Talaat Harb in a Room’, Nabta Centre, Cairo

2014  ‘From the Inside’, Shouf, Cairo Atelier

2013  ‘Revolution: The people are a red line’, The Egyptian Cultural Centre, Berlin

2011  ‘Revolution: The people are a red line’ - Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy), Cairo

2006  ‘Collage’, Dual exhibition, Mashrabia Gallery of Fine Art, Cairo and Al Azhar Park, Cairo

2002-2003 – ‘The Circle’, Salon of Mini Works of Art, Gezira Fine Arts Centre, Cairo

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